"Summer In The City" - Patched version 0.51

Hi everybody,

the patched version 0.51 is now available. This patched version consists mostly of bug fixes and improved spelling/grammar. The hotfix for 0.50 is no longer required of course. It's basically providing a slightly more refined experience without any major changes. There is one new feature I've added though. A promotion screen at the end of the game that will promote other games by talented developers within the niche genre of light-hearted games with female protagonists. Special thanks to HanakoXVN, ionDivvy, IM6 and TheMagicalGurl.

Changelog v0.51

  • Added a promotion screen to the end screens
  • Fixed a severe bug that caused the game to crash during the transition between 0.42 and 0.50 when not being on either Yun's or Rosa's path
  • Fixed several transition screens (hiding the textbox) - Special thanks to Knight Of The Lance
  • Fixed several spelling/grammar errors - Special thanks to Spanky McGilligan, The Radiator and Rehwyn
  • Fixed a continuation error
  • Fixed several misplaced sprites
  • Rearranged some background music tracks

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